Sex Priestesses Of The Ancient World
A sacred sex priestess of the ancient world stood tall, emanating power, draped in white or red linen with an etheric feel to it. Through her physical body, she connected heaven and earth. Her power ran deep with the land. The breath of the Goddess flowed in and around her. The blood of the Goddess moved through her veins, her body, and her sacred womb. She was a healer, a prophetess, a visionary, and a counselor. She was respected and revered. She understood the power and pleasure of the womb to heal the unseen wounds of the world.
Following The Fool
The Fool is a major arcana card in the tarot deck. It depicts a foolish young man walking merrily along a dangerous path. The Fool represents the spirit of innocence, spontaneity and trust in life. You need to be foolish to let yourself be guided by your own thoughts, feelings and desires rather than by social expectations or convention. If you want to follow the fool's path you need to be willing to make mistakes; it's also a good idea to ask yourself what might happen if you took this step into the unknown without knowing where it would take you?
The Magickal Moon
There's no denying that the moon has a powerful effect on human beings, whether you're aware of it or not. Our thoughts, emotions and actions are all influenced by the moon's cycles and phases. The idea that each day of the month is associated with a different phase of the moon dates back to ancient times. And while it might seem like there's nothing more to this than superstition or tradition, there are actually practical reasons for using these cycles—and even a few spells—in your magickal work!
The Fire Of Beltane
The lusty spring winds blow ushering in the promise of new life rising out of the darkness. The Goddess takes a deep breath and the natural world wakes up from its slumber. Beltane falls on May 1st and celebrates the spring. The Goddess manifests as the May Queen. The God emerges as the May King. The May Queen and King dance the Maypole to celebrate the Sacred Marriage or The Great Rite. Beltane is a festival of flowers, fertility, sensuality, romance, purification and sexuality.