Tea Leaf Reading

Discover the answers to your questions through ancient art of tasseography.

Tea leaf reading, also known as tasseography, has its roots in ancient China, where tea drinking was a revered practice. The art later spread to the Middle East and Europe, where it was influenced by other forms of divination such as coffee ground reading and wine sediment reading. Over centuries, tasseography evolved into a sophisticated method of fortune-telling that combines both intuition and symbolism to provide seekers with profound insights.

Your reading begins when you choose your tea cup! After that, our intuitive readers tune into your auric field and choose the herbs that are 'calling out' to you. The herbs themselves are part of the reading. The steam from your cup begins to tell the story as it rises and is carried by the air. Your reader will instruct you to slowly sip the tea while focusing on your questions. To enhance your experience, take a few deep breaths to calm your mind before you begin sipping. Visualize your questions clearly and hold them in your thoughts as you drink. Lastly, try to stay present and open to the messages that come through the steam and the leaves. Then, your cup will be turned over and your reader will interpret the signs, symbols, and all information revealed in the leaves. The symbols in the tea leaves can take various forms such as animals, objects, or shapes. Each symbol carries its own unique meaning; for instance, a heart may represent love or relationships, while a bird could signify freedom or a message. Your reader will help you decipher these symbols, providing insights and guidance based on their traditional interpretations and intuitive understanding. Trusting your reader's interpretations is crucial for a meaningful tea leaf reading experience. Their expertise and intuitive abilities allow them to decode the subtle messages within the leaves that might not be immediately apparent to you. By having confidence in their guidance, you open yourself up to deeper insights and a more profound understanding of the answers to your questions.

For an additional charge, your reader can craft a tea blend for you to take home with you!